: : : the process : : :
Good illustration is about communication. To get there an illustration goes through many stages.
Stage 1: The Personality
Every illustration I do begins with a pencil and a piece of paper. This is where the concept work happens. An illustration has the potential to take many forms. This is the stage wherein I work out what possible ideas are best for the message.
Stage 2: The Skeleton
When the best idea is filtered out the illustration moves onto the next stage. In this stage the piece goes from being a loose, sketched idea and begins to grow solid visual structure. In this case, doing the pen and ink will help create the finished piece.
Stage 3: The Flesh
Finally the illustration begins to achieve a finished look. Care and thought go into every stage, but this is where the finishing touches happen. Every good illustration requires a good foundation. As an illustration is developed the power to communicate grows until you have a finely polished visual gem.