
Where your home lies

So that’s it, this is the last Gothy Goths post for some time. I’ll be moving the website at some point, but I’ll be letting everyone know through the usual channels when that occurs. Once it’s up there that will be where any future Gothy Goths go up. Thank you to all the readers out there, I really appreciated being able to put this comic up for everyone, it has been a fun project indeed!

~Grey Gory

adventures on the AT

Many hikers on the Appalachian Trail have dissapeared this way… In other news, look who it is!

See you next Tuesday,

~Grey Gory

meanwhile in corporate America

So lent is over and I’m back on-line. Yep, the internet is really a big, big place, I sort of forgot that. I checked my analytics and found that after 40 days I had zero hits on the site when I know that was not the case, turns out I need to replace my analytic tag for it to work since I changed my domain host. So if you think about comment so I know who is out there, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the comic.