
No one has seen you for some time

After a year of doing this Gothy Goths thing I figured it was time to introduce an ‘Alpha Goth’ character, even if it’s all in H.P.’s head!

See you next Tuesday,

Grey Gory

making gruit ale

Let me say it again…Grendel’s Mom! So the Gothic Gardener in this comic is harvesting yarrow for Gruit ale. Gruit ale is something I’ve never tried but have been terrifically curious about. SO–if there are any homebrewing types out there (since I think the only way to taste it is to make your own) what does it taste like? {End curious pondering}

Until next Tuesday all,

~Grey Gory

wuthering heathcliff

So Halloween is over, do you remember this guy The Gothic gardener? You’ll be seeing him next week and the week after as well!

See you next Tuesday everyone,

~Grey Gory

I may even put on a shirt to do it!

So here’s the Halloween comic. I’ve got the Thanksgiving comic all finished, next up finishing the Christmas comic, then I could theoretically take a break for the rest of the year (hard to believe that’s coming up) but I probably won’t do that since that will eat up my buffer–yikes!

See you all next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory

Punch and Judy Show Part 1

What'll happen next? Come back next week for THRILLS and CHILLS!

Well is it time for the Halloween comic already? Well the first part of the story anyway. As for the alt text, I guess it didn’t work. Back to R&D on that matter. Next feature, getting comments enabled since I was informed that currently you need a wordpress to comment currently. I’ll keep you all posted on this.

See you next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory

press your luck

My wife mentioned I should add alt text to my comics so hi, hello, this is camels!This week’s comic brought to you be silly mouse-over alt text, brought to you from my wife who thought I should add it.

See you next Tuesday,

~Grey Gory

You’re the Guy!

So today starts a new story arc and, what I’m hoping to be a more consistent cast of characters. Yesterday was St. Francis’ feast day, I wish I had prepared better, next year. Ah well. On a side not, do any of you dashing intelligent readers know if there are any traditionally eaten dishes on the feast day of St Francis? That’s all, have a great week, I’ll see you next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory

fine! I’ll get another one….

I enjoyed drawing this one. It was just a lot of fun. Witches giving the evil eye are almost always fun to draw! (This one falls in the almost always category) Also, for anyone interested in techniques, I used the brush for the texture on the rocks at the bottom of the third panel. Anyway, that’s it, I’ve got a Halloween and Thanksgiving’s comics done, and Christmas is already written out, but next week I may take a break form the holiday strips for a bit. Also a movie recommendation: The Brother’s Bloom. We finally saw this film over the weekend, excellent. It has a good mix of fun, serious, and the charming. And just downright good storytelling too. And the characters are great. And the plot is compelling. And the scenery of the movie is beautiful. And I could go on. Leave me a comment if you’ve seen it, let me know what you think. If you haven’t, go check it out–THEN comment. ‘~’

See you next Tuesday,

~Grey Gory

true cross for sale!

This one was fun to do. I even gave myself an exercise in odd perspective! For those of you in the central PA area, Lebanon Valley College has an Ansel Adams {early work} show up until mid October. I highly recommend it if you’re into Adam’s work or black and white photography! Here is a link to the gallery page.

See you next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory