
Where your home lies

So that’s it, this is the last Gothy Goths post for some time. I’ll be moving the website at some point, but I’ll be letting everyone know through the usual channels when that occurs. Once it’s up there that will be where any future Gothy Goths go up. Thank you to all the readers out there, I really appreciated being able to put this comic up for everyone, it has been a fun project indeed!

~Grey Gory

only Saint Nicholas?!?

Merry Christmas all!

This is the second to last Gothy Goths strip for now, it’s been a lot of fun working on the comic this past year. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, I’ll see you next week, one more time!

~Grey Gory

Casual necromancy

So this was the runner up for the Halloween strip this year.

~Grey Gory

His art is way screwed up

For those of you counting or curious, there are 3 more gothy goths strips left before the comic is over.

I’ll be seeing you next Tuesday for a while!

~Grey Gory

Our band sucks

So I was flipping through my sketchbook and came across this strip, which was one of the small story arcs I really wanted to do before I called the comic quits. I’ve got another arc or two in mind once the regular updates end and the site is moved though, so stay tuned.

See you next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory

All are brothers at the feast

So there we have the Thanksgiving strip! I’m working on finishing the Christmas strip, I may even finish it today!

If you are traveling, safe travels!

~Grey Gory

Civilization ambassador

And there we are, next week will be the Thanksgiving strip–I need to finish inking the comic!

See you next Tuesday all,

~Grey Gory

Cloaks: bad

So here is the official end of the Halloween arc, sort of a post-holiday wrap up, a ‘ where are they now’ of sorts. Or I just figured a death threat comic was better suited for Halloween week. I’ve finished all of the comics and realized I have enough to go almost until New Years. So that means I’m working on Thanksgiving and Christmas-themed strips, which Ive started and am having a lot of fun with. I’m pretty sure that once the comic is over I’m still not going to be done with Gothy Goths completely!

See you next Tuesday,

~Grey Gory

bad exits