
Impaler party!

Annnnnd that’s my long story arc on Vlad the Impaler! I like these long arcs, I think I might continue this trend. Stay tuned!

Another thing I’m going to mention is the alternate ending to this comic. Instead of a pig on the table I considered putting a Saracen and having Vlad say ‘I said we don;t eat people, THAT’S a Saracen!’ However I figured that this could be pretty offensive so I left it out. I think it would have made Vlad a little more outrageous (as if he wasn’t already) but ultimately I didn’t think the joke needed that line to float. (Thank goodness!) I’m here to entertain, not upset!

On that note, I’m off to do new things, I’m pleased with how the comic is going lately, though the comics I’m pleased with won’t be up until October/November, good thing there will be lots of good stuff every Tuesday until then!

~Grey Gory

oh great it’s Vlad.

and it’s…ah nevermind

Hello again Dear Readers,

Things are continuing as promised. As a comic artist I enjoy certain freedoms. For example, I was getting tired of doing the silly beadwork on Derek’s hat so I just made him take the hat off. Comics are just that awesome!

See you next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory

vacation update!

Hello again everyone,

I’m on vacation this week, so I figured I’d throw up something a little different for you to enjoy: desktop backgrounds! I have several sizes here so find the one that fits for your computer! See you next Tuesday with the continuation of the Vlad story.

~Grey Gory

the best seller

Hi everybody! It’s comic time again. Also that exhausting part of the year when there is simply a lot happening. A fair head’s up now, next week may be a special update. But I’d like to know what your favorite comic of the year has been so far, let me know and I’ll be seeing you next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory

that slob of a brother!

Wow, so very sorry I’m so late posting this everybody! Go figure I got some sort of sickness and in the haze it created, Tuesday came, went, and only after did I realize that I failed to put the comic up! Crimeny.

But here it is, part 3 of the Vlad the impaler sequence.

See you next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory

Vlad the….im…pale…r?

So here we have Vlad the, oh wait.  Don’t worry this arc has Vlad in it. Just…some…other…week, I hope you enjoy this comic! Meanwhile here is a comic I found at the library and thought it was going to be okay, turns out it’s GREAT. Everything about Masterpiece Comics is right on. The combination of Sunday funnies with classic literature is just right. I should have expected nothing less from Drawn and Quarterly.

See you next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory

complimentary free impalements!

This is a huge arc I’ve been sitting on, basically since I started the comic but had no idea how to finish it. But lo and behold, today begins the arc with Vlad the Impaler!

See you next Tuesday,

~Grey Gory

do you have charcoal?

So I found a book on dwarves at the library and read through it. Then I came up with this comic. This has been one of my favorites to make so far! So word of advice to dwarves, don’t turn to stone at parties…then again any dwarf readers probably already know that, I bet it’s dwarf 101!

See you next Tuesday,

~Grey Gory