
Hello everybody. I just returned from Alabama yet again. I hope your Christmases {or Saturnalias} were great! Following with tradition I’ve got a nice new wallpaper so that you can kick off 2011 with an angtsy teen Hitler! Pretty great right?

Happy New Year!

~Grey Gory


1280 x 1024

1200 x 1600

smart phone sized background image!

Can we get on board with that?

Merry Christmas all! Next week I’ll have my end of the year wallpaper ready as I will be taking a break form the comic for the holidays.

~Grey Gory

the joys of being Roman Part I

And can you believe it, it’s the first Gothy Goths Christmas comic. Well–dem’s the facts everyone. Hope you enjoy!

~Grey Gory

cutting you off

Ah HP, the pushy-wannabe Alpha Goth! Next week–Christmas posts start, WOW!

See you next Tuesday,

Grey Gory

A whole new worlde!

So THIS is how Gothy Goths started getting back over into the new world. Also I had fun drawing vikings!

See you next Tuesday,

~Grey Gory

Adventures in the new world!

Happy Thanksgiving all! So I made this comic without knowing that World of Warcraft is actually releasing a new expansion very soon. They say it involves evil dragons, what they don’t tell you is that the new continent is America! Hope your Thanksgiving is relaxed and wonderful, see you next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory

No one has seen you for some time

After a year of doing this Gothy Goths thing I figured it was time to introduce an ‘Alpha Goth’ character, even if it’s all in H.P.’s head!

See you next Tuesday,

Grey Gory

making gruit ale

Let me say it again…Grendel’s Mom! So the Gothic Gardener in this comic is harvesting yarrow for Gruit ale. Gruit ale is something I’ve never tried but have been terrifically curious about. SO–if there are any homebrewing types out there (since I think the only way to taste it is to make your own) what does it taste like? {End curious pondering}

Until next Tuesday all,

~Grey Gory

wuthering heathcliff

So Halloween is over, do you remember this guy The Gothic gardener? You’ll be seeing him next week and the week after as well!

See you next Tuesday everyone,

~Grey Gory