
We work with our hands.

Hey remember this guy? I guess he got fed up with working on building churches and things. As for me, today is Fauschnaut day, or fat Tuesday–I’ll be making myself some tasty donuts. Tasty, tasty donuts. Anyway, see you next Tuesday, comics will continue as they normally do, however I will be pretty silent, this year I’m giving up the internet (with a few exceptions) for lent.

~Grey Gory

Jack and Queen of Ankh

So earlier this week I was working on the website, what do you think of the new look? I’m quite satisfied with it which is a load off of my mind (the old site was never quite finished or polished enough in my eyes) So here we go, something new. I sat down at my art desk and got to work coming up with something new ot kick off the new look. I pulled out two packs of playing cards I got in Switzerland and went to town. So there you are, the Jack and Queen are one in the same!

Regular comic resumes, tomorrow,

~Grey Gory

getting hip with bad haircuts!

So this guy is actually more of a hipster than a goth, but gothy hipsters doesn’t have the same sound. NO matter what, this comic was fun to draw. I drew this one day after work, I remember this because it was warm when I drew it. I’ve got many other fun ideas in store for the gothy goths though! See you next Tuesday,

~Grey Gory


Pulling out the big guns this week with TWO cameo guest stars! However, if Abraham Lincoln shoots John Wilkes Booth in the middle ages does that create a time paradox? I guess not if the John Wilkes Booth that was in the past traveled there after shooting Lincoln. Weird, anyway hope you all enjoyed this small story arc. See you next Tuesday.

~Grey Gory


I would guess that this is the last time John Wilkes Booth lays his gun down in a clown store. Anyway, stop by next Tuesday for the EPIC CONCLUSION!

~Grey Gory

let’s get anachronistic!

SURPRISE! This week’s post features a cameo guest star. Best part is–he’ll be BACK!

Also, in other news I’m working on a current comic arc which is very fun to draw, however you guys probably won’t see it for some time. I’m thinking that I’d like to take some shots of the comic in progress and possibly throw them up on twitter. My username is earlgreygory if you want to see progress shots!

~Grey Gory

cherubs explode when famous artists high five

So fairly fresh off the heels of the christmas story I present to you the first of another FOUR-PARTER! It’s going to be great, this is a story…with a TWIST!

Anyway, see you next Tuesday all!

~Grey Gory

A saint, printmaker, and all-around great dude

Annnnd we’re back, kicking off the new year with a new comic! Woot. WOOT! It was hard to want to wake up this morning and draw but I managed to pull myself out of bed, (that comic, which you won’t be seeing for some time) was worth getting out of bed for though I think. Also, so is this one.)

Until next Tuesday!

~Grey Gory

wallpaper surprise!

Hello everybody. I just returned from Alabama, with today’s update planned out. I’ve decided that every year, between the week of Christmas and New Year’s day I will post a special wallpaper for your computer, instead of a comic. It’s sort of my end of the year gift to you. That way, on the 1st of January you can turn your computer on and be reminded that no matter what happens over the next year, you’ll still have one comic to read! With that said, here are the background images,

Happy New Year!

~Grey Gory


1280 x 1024

1200 x 1600

iphone sized background image!